Robert Farley
Not entirely, but it looks like the Army presence there will be sharply reduced. Frankly, this is a bit overdue. There's no real compelling need to keep even skeletal forces in.
Matt Duss noted some creepy White House rhetoric.
What's the deal with the Tenet resignation? I don't know. Via Kevin Drum, Mark Kleinman has an interesting theory. I'd certainly like to believe that story, although it's probably too good.
Media Matters takes apart Stephen F. Hayes argument that Bin Laden and Hussein had an operational relationship between 1990 and 2003. This one requires just a smidgeon of common sense..
A reader writes: In all seriousness--Saddam Hussein thumbed his nose at the U.S., and for the sake of our credibility as a world hegemon, the U.S. was forced to stop.
What is it that irritates me about Mickey Kaus? Is it that his sixth-rate blog inexplicably gets first rate internet real estate? Is it that he sounds more like a.
Tacitus is concerned the the election of Kerry will end the peculiarly American quest for a democratic world. John Kerry thinks that stability may sometimes be more important than democracy. The.
I have fewer misgivings about Kerry than either Scott or Dave. Although I supported Clark at one point (and still support him for VP), I've always thought that Kerry would.