Robert Farley
Matt Yglesias, Kevin Drum, and Jesse Taylor have talked this to death. . . Here in Seattle, we have two major newspapers. The P-I is a middle of the road moderate newspaper,.
Ben Shapiro wrote a book. The book says that liberals are bad, and are indoctrinating the youth of this country. Bill Buckley, David Horowitz, Dinesh D'Souza, John LeBoutillier, and others have.
NYT fronts an article regarding nine Iraqi militia groups that have agreed to disband and help form new Iraqi security forces. Juan Cole is properly skeptical, noting the number of deals already struck to.
Condolences to our Canadian brother. Tampa Bay should never win anything in any sport. Goes to show why baseball is the best. Must read Paul Krugman today. But, that's true of every.
Here's to hoping that someone asks George Bush "Mr. President, do you agree with the platform of your party in your home state?" Make sure to check out Kevin Drum's discussion. Here.
Juan Cole does a better job with Reagan than I ever could.
Hmm. Anything good about the Reagan legacy? We can say that he probably wasn't dumb enough to actually believe in supply-side economics. He understood the political value of tax cuts,.
I differ somewhat from Scott on the question of the draft. The draft does have a couple of positive aspects that he doesn't mention, but that I think are important..