reproductive freedom
As Bean notes below, the Supreme Court has upheld the Federal "Partial Birth" abortion ban, which as I have argued in detail was 1)inevitable with Alito's appointment to the Court.
Mexico City is on the verge of decriminalizing abortion. The New York Times story on it is really first-rate. What I like about it is that it makes clear what.
I have a post at TAPPED about the strange new conservative trend toward talking about abortion as weakening America's precious baby supply, an argument that (assuming conservatism wants to preserve.
Commenter (and blogger) Bean raises some interesting points with respect to this post. I'll respond to each point separately:First, while I agree that the current iteration of abortion law is.
Jessie Hill has an interesting three-part series about potentially overturning Roe at PrawfsBlawg. [HT: Volokh Conspiracy.] The long version of what I have to say on the issue can be.
Finally the New York Times adds a strong (self-described) feminist voice to its op-ed pages:Similarly, Giuliani respects the distinctive work of judges and the separate role of the state legislatures..
I have a post up at TAPPED about Portugal's coming liberalization of its draconian abortion laws. I wanted to pick out another excerpt from the genuinely terrific Times article about.
Sara Anderson brings our attention to another innovation in the irrational abortion regulation obstacle course, this one from the Idaho legislature:A North Idaho lawmaker wants to make it a crime.