reproductive freedom
I have a review of Helena Silverstein's new study of judicial bypass provisions in parental involvement statutes up at TAP. My bottom line:The particularly salient lesson to draw from Silverstein's.
Kathryn Jean Lopez essays the "my unprincipled positions on abortion are defensible because women are passive victims who cannot be held morally responsible for their actions" routine. I've recently explained.
Legislation has been introduced in the Ohio legislature requiring women to not merely inform fathers before obtaining an abortion but to obtain written permission. And why not? Given that a.
Dana has an excellent post responding to claims that progressives should "de-politicize" issues of reproductive justice, noting that the main problem with this is that it's impossible. We've already been.
There's a mini-debate going on over at Tapped about whether it was kosher for Edwards to send his wife to the big conversation about abortion in D.C. the other day..
As a follow-up to Bean's post below, I will once again note that, as long as the 14th Amendment remains unamended, the necessary consequence of fetal personhood is that anyone.
Shorter Judge Patricia Joyce: let's control women's reproductive lives right down to the position in which they give birth. From the Kaiser Daily Women's Health Policy Report: Cole County, Mo.,.
An anonymous couple has a website up through which they are trying to raise $50,000 to allow them to have a child. If they dont' raise the money they don't.