oral history of the blogosphere
A couple of weeks ago Scott and I had the opportunity to speak with Jill Filipovic, late of Feministe and a wide variety of other publications. She currently writes at.
The Oral History of the Blogosphere series is back! Scott and I had the good fortune to sit down with Laura McKenna of Apt. 11D. We talked the (sometimes pourous).
Yesterday afternoon Mickey Kaus graciously joined Scott and me to discuss his role in the early history of the Blogosphere. We talked about: How one defines the Golden Age of.
On our latest episode of the Oral History of the Blogosphere, Pulitzer prize winner Joe Sonka of the Louisville Courier-Journal joined me to chronicle the gone-but-only-mostly-forgotten Bluegrass Blogosphere. We talk.
After a hiatus of a few months we are returning to our Oral History of the Blogosphere series. On the latest episode Dan and I interview Brad DeLong, who has.
On our latest venture into the history of the blogosphere Scott and I spoke with Tedra Osell, the Fabulous Dr. B. Befitting a blog that occupied space in the academic,.
In the second episode of our Oral History of the Blogosphere series, Dan Nexon and I interview Dan Drezner, formerly the proprietor of a blogspot blog of some note. We.
We have started a new podcast project that I have been contemplating for some time. The idea is to create an oral history of the late, lamented blogosphere by doing.