new york times
I wrote last night about what I thought was the most glaring irony of the Libby commutation. I should have thought, when Scott brought Karla Faye Tucker into the discussion,.
Janet Jackson had her Rhythm Nation. We have our Prison Nation.The numbers are in, and it turns out that the U.S. prison population grew more in 2005-2006 than in any.
Genarlow Wilson, a promising high school sports star who was also a whiz in the classroom, was sentenced to ten years for having consensual oral sex with a fifteen year.
I was a little worried when I saw the headline in today's NY Times article: Revolving Door for Addicts Adds to Medicaid Cost. Often when I write about my opposition.
Really -- it's like the Times was determined to out-stupid the block quotes from Scott's post yesterday about Frank Rich. In an utterly substance-free piece, Mark Leibovich and Patrick Healy.
Look -- it's not like Times Select is the equivalent of a Lexis-Nexis account, so I don't exactly see the story here. The New York Times decided earlier this week.