new york times
Continuing with my food posting....though this time connected to feminism.There's been a lot of e-ink spilled around the blogosphere about yesterday's truly offensive NY Times Style Section article telling ladies.
(image courtesy of gimmecorn)My (and others') legal posts are often about such serious topics: abortion, the death penalty, the war on (some classes of people who use some kinds of).
I'm afraid that I can't share my colleague's enthusiasm regarding the death of TimesSelect. The institution of the subscriber wall has not only allowed me more free time to squander.
...but they've got the story that TimesSelect appears to be going the way of the dodo. Free op-ed columns for all (with internet)!
As you - loyal readers - now know (because I write about it ad nauseum), the criminal justice system's reliance on eyewitness testimony has led to many many (many) false.
The UK once used New South Wales - now Australia - as its penal colony, shipping its convicts to the ends of the earth instead of making space for and.
One of the things that really gets under my skin is the notion that in the battle over rhetoric, the wingnuts have won the word "family." Since when is telling.
There's been a lot of fanfare recently -- and in many ways, rightly so -- over the over 200 people who have been exonerated by DNA evidence. Many of these.