new york times
You know the criminal justice situation in the US is bad when you open the morning paper and read this paragraph as the lede in a front-section article (that happens.
Maureen Dowd invited Stephen Colbert to write her column for her in Sunday's paper. Which was a nice breath of fresh air. Colbert's column is not White House Correspondent Dinner.
Today in the NY Times Thursday Styles section, that bastion of feminism, there's an article called "Is the 'Mom Job' Really Necessary?" I could not fathom what this article might.
I'm not excusing what Dr. Charles Friedgood did, but it seems to me that it's well past time to let him out of prison. It's also worth noting (as the.
If you think eating meat is presumptively bad, skip this post.Yum. Beef. It's what's for dinner -- for tonight at least. For me, and for Frank Bruni too. Last month,.
I know, I know, I am not supposed to be here today. Oh well. Rules were made to be broken.Shorter Eric Johnston in today's NY Times: Giuliani is an abortion.
[Image Removed]Under the headline "White House Acts to Limit Health Plan for Children," I just read this gem:The Bush administration, continuing its fight to stop states from expanding the popular.
First an update on the stitches (not so happily ever after). They came out today but the gash isn't closed, so I'm steri-stripped for the next week. Hopefully they will.