mickey kaus
Shorter Ann Althouse: "What's the deal with you flighty "pro-sex" feminists? First, you believe that patriarchal repression of female sexuality is bad. Then you object if someone engages in creepy.
Even Mickey Kaus is scoring points off Charles Krauthammer:Am I missing something? Why exactly was the resolution of the latest Iran hostage crisis a "success" for Iran and a "humiliation".
Hey, statements like "I probably deserved this" make me feel bad about vicious. personal critiques of Mickey Kaus. On the other hand, statements likeU.S. military deaths in Iraq have apparently.
Bloggingheads freaks out my computer, and watching Mickey Kaus freaks out my eyeballs, so I typically tend to avoid it. Apparently, however, Mickey uses his pedestal to assail Ezra, who.
From now on, I'll be outsourcing all Mickey Kaus bashing to Andrew Sullivan.
Kaus again cites Pajamas Media's Baghdad editor in defense of the idea that the Surge is working. Mohammed, you may recall, suggested that the five day absence of attacks demonstrated.