I apologize in advance if you really thought this post was going to be a werewolf Bar Mitzvah. It's actually going to be about my clearing the cobwebs out of my head and putting fingers to keyboard so I can assemble a list of the...
Michael Bolton is a major cinephile
Piggybacking on my earlier post, here is an encore presentation of an entry I wrote awhile back about white male saviors in cinema. Re-watching bits of Avatar now has me.
Quickie review of "Django Unchained..." (Please bear in mind that I watch all movies nowadays with one eye on a toddler, so everything I write should be taken with a.
This post is currently sitting nearly commentless at my joint. I actually wrote it specifically for LGM, but had not received the keys to the kingdom yet. With all the sucktastic news coming from all corners of country, I thought a little levity might be...