Maureen Dowd invited Stephen Colbert to write her column for her in Sunday's paper. Which was a nice breath of fresh air. Colbert's column is not White House Correspondent Dinner quality, but it's not bad either. A choice quote, in a discussion of the looming...
Maureen Dowd
MoDo demonstrates that using fake Reagan nostalgia to critique George W. Bush is just as absurd as using fake Truman nostalgia to scold the Democrats. Here she is, in medias.
Somebody's been reading Maureen Dowd today:Yes, did you see those photos of Bill and Hillary in Iowa, with him in that bright yellow shirt? We all know yellow is the.
Somerby notes that Maureen Dowd that when it comes to obsessing about allegedly feminine Democrats, is essentially Coulter without the outright slurs:But then, why should pundits criticize Coulter when she describes Dem males as big “f*ggots?” It’s very similar to the gender-based “analysis” their dauphine,...