less trouble
Steve nails it. For some reason, the Politics of Resentment wing of the Bush-dead-enders club seems to think that poking holes in the arguments of celebrities is some sort of.
Recently, I wondered about the reliability of Glenn Reynolds's claim--invoked yet again--that Talleyrand 1)said that "you can do anything with bayonets, except sit on them," and 2)that he actually meant.
For no especially good reason, I happened to be listening to Rush Limbaugh this morning and overheard one of the most remarkable rants ever. For starters, while on the subject.
Radley Balko (click through for a summary of all the evidence of how much violence has dropped because of the surge) on the Instapundit-approved evidence-free assertions of Patrick Ruffini:I wish.
Shorter Verbatim Glenn Reynolds: "He hurts his credibility up front by saying that Iran is not at war with us -- when, in fact, it has been since 1979."As Blue.