Jonah Goldberg

Hilzoy, on behalf of Jonah Goldberg:Robert Farley: a pale, little man who hides within his armature of logical principles and arguments and consistency, like a grub cowering inside its discarded.
Jonah:There's been so much talk about how conservative foreign policy's moral credibility has been demolished under President Bush. Maybe. But what of liberal credibility? In the 1990s, amid all of.
Ben Adler:I know that to be considered a respectable independent thinker, and not a partisan hack, I'm supposed to take conservatives seriously.As someone who is quite clearly not an aspiring.
The latest dustup over Liberal Fascism is quite the howler. The delay is amusing enough, but Goldberg -- who can't seem to shake that Barton Fink feeling -- is now.
Does Doughbob Loadpants even read the articles to which he links? Here's Jonah -- who spends more time linking to time wasters than anyone I can think of -- calling.
Last night we screened Red Dawn at the Patterson School, first of the Spring Film Series. Red Dawn is not... a good movie. Most of us found it entertaining, although.
"Every ten years or so, the United States needs to pick up some small crappy little country and throw it against the wall, just to show the world we mean.