Matt calls this development good, but I'm not so sure...In light of the heated controversy that has surrounded the Turkish-Armenian issue in recent weeks, and because of our concern for.
Via Matt, Mike Crowley:The Anti Defamation League has fired its New England regional direction for insisting that the group recognize as genocide the circa-1915 slaughter of perhaps a million Armenians.
Everybody has something to say about the commission report that excoriated Ehud Olmert and his government for badly botching the war against Hezbollah last summer. Olmert and his advisors obviously.
Dan Nexon has a good response to my article on Iranian nuclear diplomacy:First, if Iran does achieve an effective nuclear deterrent that might, in fact, make it easier for Iran.
Shorter Benny Morris:Iran will inevitably use its nuclear weapons to destroy Israel, even if it doesn't use its nuclear weapons to destroy Israel.I wish there was more to it than.
Billmon on strategic planning:But, of course, I'm getting the impression from reading between the lines of the official propaganda that the IDF is struggling just to produce these little symbolic.