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Conditioning Aid to Israel

In israel
On April 13, 2024
Syria, as seen from the Golan Heights. Photo by author. The New York Times gets it right. The administration has tried many forms of pressure and admonition, including public statements, reported expressions of frustration and U.N. Security Council resolutions. None of them, so far, have...

ICJ Ruling

In israel , israel/palestine
On January 26, 2024
Per The Washington Post: The International Court of Justice on Friday ordered Israel to do more to prevent the killing and harm of civilians in Gaza but did not call for a cease-fire, disappointing Palestinians who had hoped the court would endorse their pleas for...
As the new Prime Minister, Bibi Netanyahu has proposed judicial changes that would give the Knesset more control over the judiciary. It's a complicated package, and one explanation is here. These changes have provoked strong popular opposition, with continuing protests involving hundreds of thousands of...

Confusion Reigns

In israel , nukes , syria
On September 23, 2007
I really don't know what to think about the airstrike on Syria at this point. The allegations regarding Syria's nuclear program seem to be getting increasingly detailed. Peter at Duck has some links, including a summary of the latest Times of London article on an...


On September 20, 2007

Via Jeffrey Lewis at ArmsControlWonk, Chris Nelson is reporting that the Israeli airstrike on Syria targeted Scud missiles and missile parts. As Jeffrey notes, this makes a lot more sense.

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