” infrastructure
Unsplash - Samuel Regan-Asante It has come to my attention that this blog’s audience includes people who are what I would call “comfortable.” Not necessarily wealthy, but some of you.
So picture this, you come to Lawyers, Gun & Money to get a dose of blogtasticness. You start to read a post, because you're not one of those people who.
Unsplash. NOT an image of one of Adam Neumann's flowhouses. I assume. Ah fuck. Adam Neumann is back. How long do you think it will take the creator and almost.
Once the tunnel from the White House to the Bureau of Engraving is complete, Emperor Gropentine won't need to bother.
Must enjoy working for a sentient shouting pile of BBQ potato chips. Ability to look earnest and engaged while being showed in bullshit a requirement. Will be expected to carry.
Oh dear, I hope White Supremacy's Spokesshart doesn't find out that President Obama created the Electoral College especially to make it easier for people to fraudulently vote for Clinton. President.
In case anyone is still wondering if there is anything police officers won't say to justify the unnecessary use of force: No. No. NO. Kinsey, before he was shot.
When people in other cities complain about their commuter rail systems, I.