hopefully rare metablogging
I shouldn't be surprised. Some milblogger compiles a list of quotations from "largely clueless" folks "living in ivory towers" who mocked the wingnut flash mob that appeared around the Beauchamp.
See Lauren and Jane Hamsher. Obviously, it's a tough line to walk when you try to discuss the legitimate issue of the underrepresentation of women in the blogopshere without slighting.
John Holbo links to the dispute between Scott Kaufman and a commenter at Jesus' General. Long story short, a disagreement in comments at JG escalated into a full broadside denunciation.
Having been persuaded by several recent arguments that mocking the earnest and well-meaning artists of the world only hurts America's youth, I can only imagine what a post like this.
I was happy to see that the annual Fistful Of Euros Satin Pajamas awards were up--I'm always happy to be introduced to new European blogs I wouldn't otherwise see. I.
... and pretty much every other variant of videoblogging. The glorious thing that the internet gives us is precision; I can take interest in a particular point of a post.
Lauren links to this argument about the "purging" of blogrolls by A-List bloggers. While I agree that there are plenty of good bloggers who get less traffic than (I think).