Commentarion elm mentioned that lesbian corn farmers are the latest Right Wing bugbear. I thought this might be some sort of Rule 34 thing, or perhaps some MRA got his wires crossed (again) and decided that somewhere in America, Ninja lesbians (disguised as farmers)...
As you may recall, Marco Thirston Rubio selflessly decided to try to keep his current job, and he cited a lack of cushy sinecures the Orlando massacre as one.
A gay voter took Rubio to task for being a homophobic weasel. That's all I need to say, isn't it? The only question is the order in which the Ruborg.
Shorter Verbatim Daily Conservative, in re: one of the corporations that Made Milwaukee Famous sponsoring the Folsom Street Fair: "They’re still crappy beer, now they’re crappy gay beer." Oh noes! (Alas, Coors would seem to be out too; I'm not sure if Schiltz or Hamm's...
If one were looking for an especially repulsive mixture of homophobia and anti-Arab racism, it would be difficult to find a purer example than this thread at LGF, where rumors.
Shorter Ace O. Spades, Heterosexual, as linked by nonpartisan libertarian Glenn Reynolds: "Gay men aren't actually men."
A comment below by R. Stanton Scott seems worth highlighting:Those who argue that some citizens should be excluded from military service because their presence would hurt "unit cohesion" are saying that current soldiers should be able to decide with whom they serve. This is bravo...