Seriously, how many times can they pull the football away from David Broder before he figures out the scam? (The answer, of course, is "an infinite number.") However, from this day forward 90 days shall be known as a "Graham Unit."
High Broderism
You'll be shocked to know that David Broder is thrilled about the prospect of a ticket that represents "post-partisan leadership" composed of two moderate Republicans (OK, one is not technically.
Fred Hiatt really is a marvel. His latest seems to contain every idiotic possible argument for defending Bush's perpetual war while pretending not to: willful blindness about Bush's actual position,.
Henley and Yglesias say most of what needs to be said about today's bite of banality. As the former points out, the actual effect of this pox-on-all-their-houses-but-not-my-house High Broderism is to implicitly advocate the status quo without having to bother to make an argument in...
To follow up on what Thoreau says here, it's remarkable that people like Ignatius fail to even consider the possibility that Americans won't just "pull together and take appropriate steps.