Glenn Reynolds
Six years of lazy techno-triumphalism, Republican hackery, and being on-his-ass wrong about what will likely shake out as one of the greatest follies in American history. Is is any surprise.
This doesn't make a goddamned bit of sense:You know, if we had been firm in 1979, [Iran] wouldn't think they could get away with these kinds of threats. If we.
Insty:JUST WATCHED BUSH'S SPEECH FROM THE ABRAHAM LINCOLN: I'm not crazy about it. The speech was actually good, stressing the changes in warfare that technology has brought ("the guilty have.
Among my numerous intellectual deficits, I'm not a very articulate film-and-TV-talking-guy like Scott, Rob, or DJW. I haven't watched television since August, and I've seen exactly two films in the.
I've asked this before, but do certain A-List wingnuts actually take the time to read on articles to which they link, or do they just find endorsement for the views.
Obviously, I agree entirely with the substance of Paul Campos's reply to Glenn Reynolds's attempts to defend illegal and counterproductive assassinations. Since it came up in comments too, I should.
The stab-in-the-back narrative is now in full gear. What Kaus merely abets, Glenn Reynolds, Mark Steyn, and the editors of Investors Business Daily push full throttle; America will lose because.
As Bjork once put it, "You blow a fuse . . ."