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Plagued by Before Sunrise

In General
On June 5, 2004
The Stranger, an alternative weekly here in Seattle, is the best source for local news I'm aware of. It certainly beats the other weekly and both dailies. Perhaps there are better sources, but I don't really know where to look. Some of their non-news columns...

Post-feminist moralism

In General
On June 4, 2004
Alessandra Stanley has an odd piece in the New York Times about the recent spate of "women behaving badly" shows, which she claims are demeaning to women. I haven't seen the shows in question, and given the description I'm persuaded that they're bad television. Parts of...


On June 4, 2004

Via Crooked Timber I learn of a plagiarist suing a university for not explaining to him that plagiarism is wrong. His defense seems to be that since he wasn't caught early.

Via Digby, we find Rep. Tom Davis (R, VA) indulging in demographic fantasies: If you take out the Indian reservation, we would have won," said Rep. Tom Davis (R-Va.), former chairman of the NRCC. Those damn traitorous Democrats! The audacity! They should be trying to win...

Oil and Energy

On June 4, 2004

Kevin Drum with an excellent post on Oil. Upshot: Prices are going up. Fluctuations aside, they're not going back down. Depending on who you ask, production has peaked in the last.

From the gambling community

In General
On June 3, 2004
I should make clear that I don't consider those who gamble on political events to have any special insights, as dsquared at crooked timber has demonstrated. In general the numbers in the Iowa markets andtradesports are at best a distillation of conventional wisdom. For fun,...

The House

On June 3, 2004

Everyone's all over poll numbers for the Presidential election, and everyone's watching the Senate pretty closely as well. (Speaking of which, there is a nice and very flattering profile of Barak Obama.

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