Jesse Taylor links to Bill O'Reilly's interview of Ann Coulter. I actually read it, exposing myself to Coulter's drivel for the first time in years. It reads like a parody of RNC spin; even.
Well, not really. Not all of them. Not all the time. I refer to recent flare-up of a discussion about the positive/negative rights distinction. This was started by the esteemed.
Jesse Taylor on Christopher Snitchens: Chris Hitchens isn't a useful idiot - he's a useful asshole. He fills a slightly brainier niche than Dennis Miller does, although he's featured the same.
One strange thing about Stoller's argument about centrist bloggers is that it strikes me as no longer true. Drum, Yglesias, and Marshall have all become much more aggressive and partisan.
Through See the Forest, I find a link to Matt Stoller's excellent post on different forms of partisanship. I don't think he's entirely fair in his critique of league of wonkish centrist bloggers.
Needless to say, Michael Massing's NYRB response to the New York Times's pre-war "journalism" is a (depressing) must-read. It's doubly depressing that this opinion wouldn't be written today--not only because there's no Black on.
Roger Ailes has a great post about Andrew Sullivan declaring that he no longer supports the GOP, because they have the same position on gay rights that they've always had. If.
Speaking of nonsense and Texas, I recall some time ago hearing about some impending legal trouble for Tom Delay. The story appears to be a bit complicated, involving a misbehaving.