Bad things are happening in Congress. For more read Belle Waring, Ted Barlow, and Katharine at Obsidian Wings, Kevin at Lean left, Jeanne at Body and Soul. If you don't know what "extraordinary rendition" means,.
According to Glenn Reynolds, citing an article in the NY Post, the 60 Minutes scandal has had the salutary effect of destroying Dan Rather's ratings. "No wonder Big Media folks aren't.
A brilliant post by Jeanne D'Arc about the staggeringly dishonest bait-and-switch being pulled by hawks who 1)strongly favor intervention in the Sudan, and 2)wish to remain hack Bush apologists. Very difficult.
Bob Harris on the terrorist threats that still threaten this great land. As long as Air Supply can cross borders with immunity, we might as well install bin Laden in.
As he prepares to break George Sisler's record, I thought I would celebrate by passing along a remarkable junk stat. Bill James developed a series of tests that attempted to.
The latest embarrassing hackwork of the Instarube reminds me of this gem from the Crooked Timber archives about the National Review, which has been flogging the Rather story to an even more remarkable.
What's most amazing about the elements of the right who are fighting rhetorical battles on behalf of the president isn't so much the mendacity, although that can be pretty awe-inspiring..
My alienation from a show I used to watch religiously is even greater than Rob's; I haven't watched a second of either show in the new season. James Wolcott amplifies the.