Max Sawicky celebrates the transcendent brilliance of the first post of the widely touted Becker/Posner blog, which is just as good as I expected. If there's one thing we need, it's.
Sideways: I don't have much to say that you haven't already heard. I'm not one to reflexively go with a critical consensus--hell, most critics think Richard Goddamn Linklater is a.
Many of you may be confused about the arcane manner of commerce clause jurisprudence, as it appears that the advocates of "states' rights" on the Supreme Court will mysteriously abdondon this.
Roy Edroso notes that Roger L. Simon, author of the screenplay of arguably the most irritating movie I've ever seen in a theatre and now the blogosphere's most irritating Yoosta Bee, is.
This story at the Seattle Times gives us a sense of the electoral trends here around Seattle. It seems clear there is a delinking of the GOP from its financial base.
Bird Dog at Tacitus approvingly quotes the following from Richard Russell: American aircraft and cruise missiles also could target Iran’s key political, security, and military infrastructures to harm the power of.
A poll about the Supreme Court yields typical findings: The survey found that 59 percent of respondents said they favor choosing a nominee who would uphold Roe v. Wade, while 31 percent.
This is obviously of trivial importance compared with the feeble attempts to debunk the Lancet article, but I'm glad to see David Leonhardt tackle a form of reactionary innumeracy that.