To me, the question of nuclear power, as with conscription, becomes easier when removed from the abstract level to the context of American politics. Discussing the merits of nuclear power.
My post below on oil and alternative energy sources made no comment on nuclear power. There is a good reason for that--I'm not at all sure what I should think.
The Stranger, an alternative weekly here in Seattle, is the best source for local news I'm aware of. It certainly beats the other weekly and both dailies. Perhaps there are.
I've made the from the left pro-draft arguments on numerous occasions in the last year or so. Mostly, I've done it with students, especially in my Intro to Poli Sci.
Alessandra Stanley has an odd piece in the New York Times about the recent spate of "women behaving badly" shows, which she claims are demeaning to women. I haven't seen the.
Among Katha Pollitt's many enviable talents is the ability to cut to the heart of an issue by saying something that by all rights should be banal, but is often.
Via Digby, we find Rep. Tom Davis (R, VA) indulging in demographic fantasies: If you take out the Indian reservation, we would have won," said Rep. Tom Davis (R-Va.), former chairman.
Kevin Drum with an excellent post on Oil. Upshot: Prices are going up. Fluctuations aside, they're not going back down. Depending on who you ask, production has peaked in the last.