I'm making my weekly check of Senate race wagers over at tradesports, and I make an odd discovery--David Vitter (R)'s chances of taking Breaux's seat have gone from 35 to 70%.
Through See the Forest, I find a link to Matt Stoller's excellent post on different forms of partisanship. I don't think he's entirely fair in his critique of league of wonkish centrist bloggers.
A friend once noted that the most unnecessary liner note in history was Lou Reed writing on The Blue Mask that "my guitar is on the right stereo channel." The one on.
Roger Ailes has a great post about Andrew Sullivan declaring that he no longer supports the GOP, because they have the same position on gay rights that they've always had. If.
Now that there's a fairly broad consensus that The Phantom Menace was godawful, it's often forgotten how well the movie was initially received not only by many fans but by much.
To me, the question of nuclear power, as with conscription, becomes easier when removed from the abstract level to the context of American politics. Discussing the merits of nuclear power.
When a baseball game is interrupted so that Fred Barnes can spout wingnut propaganda at interminable length, the terrorists have already won.
The Stranger, an alternative weekly here in Seattle, is the best source for local news I'm aware of. It certainly beats the other weekly and both dailies. Perhaps there are.