Speaking of nonsense and Texas, I recall some time ago hearing about some impending legal trouble for Tom Delay. The story appears to be a bit complicated, involving a misbehaving.
Now that there's a fairly broad consensus that The Phantom Menace was godawful, it's often forgotten how well the movie was initially received not only by many fans but by much.
My post below on oil and alternative energy sources made no comment on nuclear power. There is a good reason for that--I'm not at all sure what I should think.
When a baseball game is interrupted so that Fred Barnes can spout wingnut propaganda at interminable length, the terrorists have already won.
I've made the from the left pro-draft arguments on numerous occasions in the last year or so. Mostly, I've done it with students, especially in my Intro to Poli Sci.
According to Prof. Reynolds: WHILE I WENT OUT TO GET FROZEN YOGURT, the InstaWife watched CBS news. She pronounced it "one long commercial for the Democrats." Needless to say, no examples.
Among Katha Pollitt's many enviable talents is the ability to cut to the heart of an issue by saying something that by all rights should be banal, but is often.
Via Crooked Timber I learn of a plagiarist suing a university for not explaining to him that plagiarism is wrong. His defense seems to be that since he wasn't caught early.