Just in case you didn't see the link in the comments on Rob's first Kurtz post below, the Kaplan piece in The Atlantic that (in part) inspired Kurtz' latest bit.
As you well know, I have always made an effort to be as fair-minded as possible toward those who make irredeemably poor judgments about politics and aesthetics. In this spirit,.
Granholm v. Heald, which the Supreme Court handed down today, has an interesting lineup: 5-4, with Kennedy/Ginsburg/Souter/Scalia/Breyer in the majority. (I wonder how often, if ever, a majority opinion has.
$50 that shall remain in my pocket. I'll buy Krugman's next book for less than that new. Starting in September, access to the New York Times Op-Ed section andsome of.
Via the Poor Man, Assrocket gets a running start, sprints, and crashes through the floor of human decency:I really think that calling Newsweeks blunder the presss Abu Ghraib is unfair.
Henry Farrel has a nice example of the functionalist fallacy as applied by Stephen Bainbridge to the Royal Navy. He also has the single best title of any post I.
Via Prof. B., I tried the "What is Your Worldview" quiz:Existentialist81%Postmodernist63%Cultural Creative50%Modernist44%Materialist44%Idealist31%Romanticist25%Fundamentalist6%What is Your World View?created with QuizFarm.comI guess that given the choices, this seems right (and appropriately unfashionable.)
Jesse Taylor has some fun with Andrew McCarthy's transparently failed attempt to argue that the Constitution prohibits the filibuster of presidential appointees. It must be said that, at least, McCarthy's.