Since this question was brought up in comments as well, I thought I'd add my two cents about Klein/Chafetz/Frank: 1)I haven't read Frank's book, but I have read the Harper's essay..
I've got no expectations one way or another on Thomas Frank's new book, What's the Matter With Kansas? It may be a rather vulgar Marxist oversimplification, or it may shed some.
****: A Walk in the Clouds *** 1/2: Godfather Part III, Absolute Power ***: Godfather Part II, Tomb Raider II, Cop and a Half *: Blue Velvet Amazing, isn't it? I'm inclined to think The Godfather Part II.
The attempts to parse the comments of Administration officials to prove that they didn't technically lie are pointless, because of course the chief basis of the Administration's case was the.
A magnificent post by Belle Waring at Crooked Timber mocking the "ticking time bomb" scenario constantly used by torture/Bush Administration apologists. To state the obvious, 1)of course torture is morally.
With respect to my recent post on conservative vanity candidate Ralph Nader, some response to the many intelligent comments are in order. First, fine commentary from The Poor Man and Nathan Newman. In.
I've seen more expressions of anti-semitism from the European left than I would ideally like to see. Of course, I'd ideally like to see none, so that's not saying much..
It's difficult to find an issue so clear-cut that The Nation and eventheliberal New Republic agree, but both have great reviews of Sam Huntington's new book, People Who Aren't White Christians Will Destroy America..