I rarely have much to say about discussions of "populism," partly because it's never entirely clear what the content of such a politics would look like, and the historical antecedents.
Outsourced to Echidne and Prof. B.Also, congratulations to whoever was our 100,000th reader, and many thanks to everyone who takes the time to look us up. There wouldn't be much.
Social Security ain't the only evil FDR brought to the world:Second-guessing Franklin D. Roosevelt,President Bush said Saturday the United States played a role in Europe's painful division after World War.
Microsoft decides to back gay-rights billCapping a two-week brouhaha over Microsoft's fluid position on a state gay-rights bill, Chief Executive Steve Ballmer yesterday reversed course and said the company will.
Lindsay offers what I think is one of the most pleasant surprises inherent to reading; addressing an argument I've long been wrestling with and articulating what I was grasping for.
Friday Cat Blogging. . . Matilda
Matt Duss finds himself in a fight between Andrew Sullivan and Jonah Goldberg. Read the whole thing, but this in particular from Jonah leapt out at me:I think I should.
The other day, Brian Leiter linked to this review (PDF) of David Buller's new book for MIT Press, Adapting Minds: Evolutionary Psychology and the Persistent Quest for Human Nature.This looks.