Lindsay notes that Saul Bellow, who many smart people consider the greatest American novelist of the past century (and who was born in Lachine, a suburb of my beloved Montreal),.
Congratulations to Seb at Sadly, No! and his partner, who will be having their first child in June. To ask the most obvious question, will the child take his/her father's.
Rox Populi offers some suitably annotated (linked? The discourse of the internets confuses me) Yeats.
Or not...But at least my claim that the Richie Sexson signing was brutal is looking good! Oh, wait...
Yglesias does a nice job cleaning up the latest vomitous mass left by David Brooks. Sure, feeling-type intel would be great, especially if it were, you know, accurate. The problem.
An entire inning of tonight's Red Sox-Yankees game was wasted with an interview by one idiot of another idiot on the topic of steroids. If they keep this up, I.
TBogg notes that, having used one of the greatest of American protest songs--"The Lonesome Death of Hattie Carroll"--to defend state torture and support the claim that the President should not.
Chuckle. In a website announcement today, bloggers at the conservative website Powerline claim that they have convincing evidence that House Representative Tom DeLay is in fact a Democratic forgery."The biggest.