Maintaining this blog's longstanding commitment to discuss the world's most important issues--i.e., those pertaining to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms--during those rare occasions when they are of interest.
Kos has NARAL dead to rights on this one. Unlike Kos, I don't think that NARAL is bound to always support the Democratic candidate. While we can argue about that,.
John Emerson makes a good point in the comments here, which is worthy of its own post. He argues that Kerry should have fought back against the Swifties much harder.
Fifty years ago today Joseph Welch shredded Tailgunner Joe McCarthy at the Army-McCarthy hearings, asking:"Have you no sense of decency, sir? At long last, have you left no sense of.
Ezra does a nice job of demolishing Ezekiel Emanuel's arguments against single payer. (Well, I don't entirely disagree with his arguments about how the veto-point laden American political system would.
Via Norbizness, who captioned it thus:Glorious Leader Eats Johnny Cash's Soul and Grows To 1500 Feet Tall and Then Kills a Yeti
I can't really add anything else, but this Poor Man takedown of the hapless Charles Bird really deserves emphasis. If there's anything worse than people who rationalize torture, it's those.
Roy Edroso points us to Field of Schemes, which seems like a great resource indeed. My favorite response in the post-mortems of the west side stadium project were Chris Russo's.