Many people pointed out that Ohio's gay-bashing constitutional amendment would raise potentially serious constitutional problems because it was so overbroad. In breaking news the Ohio courts have struck down the.
Lest you get the idea that people who were born in Calgary, subsequently moved to Montreal, moved to the States, and blog about hockey are aesthetically dubious male academics, Yglesias.
Admittedly, I'm partial toward Tom Baker, who led a great seminar I attended at the Law & Society Association grad student workshop, but for reasons Kevin Drum cites I'm very.
So, since I hadn't seen a live game in a year and a half, I had a friend in from Philly who said she was up for it and my.
Asad Raza's post about the NYU grad student strike notes that Sexton is using two of the very silliest arguments that come up when "progressive" university administrators and professors make.
In case there was any question, state-funded "faith-based" programs are a terrible idea.
It's as bad as you could imagine. See Axis.My suggestions:Drive By Truckers, Never Gonna ChangeAC/DC, Dirty Deeds Done Dirt CheapDerek and the Dominoes, I Looked Away
Matt is, of course, right: the fact that college sports have become a commercial machine from which athletes, and athletes alone, are not permitted to profit, is a scandal. In.