As in, if this Universe were to split into 100 universes and proceed forward from there, the rational collective hive mind of sports gamblers expect the Steelers would win on.
Looks like a Conservative minority--suboptimal, but I can live with if it's a majority minority....CBC (on C-SPAN now) calls a Tory minority.
I was planning to write a post ripping apart Stephen Bainbridge's latest entry in the "the underrepresentation of conservatives in academia must be due to discrimination and not self-selection, although.
Shorter Peter Morris: "They lied to me about marriage and fatherhood! Who knew that childbirth was painful (and, really, more painful for the guy--sure, the woman is in red-faced agony,.
Huh. I guess mine is of the Short Boxed variety? You know, a few years back DJW (who once possessed a Chin Curtain) and I tried to get Lemieux to.
Matt hits the nail on the head with this:It certainly makes sense as a negotiating tactic for the American government to appear open to military action. For similar reasons, efforts.
Well, any day in which NBC renews The Office and kills Will and Grace is one small ray of light for network TV. (There seems to be a widespread perception.
Two very, very interesting games this week, both of which would be pick 'ems on a neutral field. So I'm even more likely to be wrong than usual, but:In the.