AG does some nice work on the Army's commitment to FCS, or Future Combat Systems. I remain ambivalent about FCS, much in the same way that I'm ambivalent about DD(X).
I am pleased.
So the state of Georgia passed an unconstitutional law forcing people to show an ID card purchased from the state in order to vote. Lest there be any question about.
We done went and got us some notice from the Gray Lady. I have a warm fuzzy feeling all over.I wonder if they noticed that the review in question is.
Check out this fine post from Confederate Yankee on how the Republican Party is now and always has been a friend to the black man. Read especially the comments; they've.
Being both a pretentious wanker and a Montreal chauvinist, I loves me some of the Arcade Fire, although I have occasionally expressed reservations about lyrics that can be pretentious even.
Amanda and iocaste save me the trouble of pestering people to excerpt yet another WSJ article, as they discuss today's cover story about hymen reconstruction, starting with an especially creepy.