Tony LaRussa's decision to embarrass himself looks even more embarrassing right now: According to Ken Rosenthal, a source told him the Cardinals offered Albert Pujols roughly $20 million per season.
A couple quibbles with Matt here: I think this is a mistake. An enormous amount of significant legislation passed in Lyndon Johnson’s second term. As I wrote yesterday, the 1950.
Anna Reisman has a review of Seth Mnookin's very good-looking new book that's worth reading in its own right. And it's always worth being reminded about the consequences of failing.
I have an essay online at Current Intelligence on Michael Gross's recent book. Moral Dilemmas of Modern Warfare explores the ways in which "new wars" are challenging the existing law.
As appalling as the reactions to the rape sexual assault* of Lara Logan that Mary Elizabeth Williams discusses are, the comments are actually worse. [via] ...see also. And also. *Corrected,.
Jerry Richardson.
I have a new article in the journal International Organization entitled "Vetting the Advocacy Agenda." It tries to explain why some issues get noticed by transnational campaigners and others don't,.
I cited it in my Prospect piece yesterday, but for people interested in the history of the Commerce Clause, I strongly recommend Jack Balkin's forthcoming article. I would add the.