free dahlia lithwick
Please never try to write satire in another voice ever again. I've been thinking for a while at picking some of the Pulitzer-winning columns from 1999 at random and seeing.
Henry Farrell notes a contradiction in Brooks's embarrassingly belated realization that George W. Bush is not, in fact, a Burke/Oakeshott conservative. My favorite example from the Brooks archives, however, has.
The great Dahlia Lithwick explains why Democrats should not vote for Hans von Spakovsky, just as he would prefer that they not vote for anything else:Von Spakovsky currently sits on.
Bad writing and thinking, defined.
Hilzoy has more on Anne Applebaum's crazy strawman-building tactics. Personally, perhaps because I'm more cynical, I didn't check the empirical claim because I wouldn't have been shocked had no Democratic.
It's good to know, if thoroughly unsurprising, that when David Ignatius wanted us all to agree (i.e. with him) about how to respond to security threats, the consensus we're all.
Melinda Henneberger. Her accomplishment should not be understated; within op-ed pages that regularly publish Tom Friedman and Maureen Dowd, and that gave a month-long guest slot to the Simpsons' crazy.
Roger Ailes reads MoDo so you don't have to:Maureen Dowd embarassed herself again today with a column comparing Tony Blair and Tony Soprano. Did you know they both have the.