foreign policy
Scott's already posted about Trump's remarkable performance in Helsinki, which comes after his remarkable performances in London and in Brussels. Indeed, I almost worry that the appalling awfulness of the.
We need a formal name for the notion that, over time, Trump's behavior tends toward being indistinguishable from that of someone working on behalf of Moscow. It seems like more.
You just need to read this. A quick, unpleasant, taste: And he repeatedly argues against using the word "xenophobia," or the fear of foreigners, writing in side notes that he.
Natasha Bertrand has more on the fears of NATO allies about the upcoming summit and the Trump-Putin hobnob. After discussing Trump's latest tweet asserting.
I have a new piece, co-authored with Stacie Goddard, at Foreign Policy on the debate about "legitimating" North Korea..
While many issues divide the progressive coalition—which I understand as an umbrella term for the center-left, left-liberals, democratic socialists, and various social-justice movements—international security and international political economy provide some.
The foreign policy community debate has led down some pretty interesting avenues, one of them being an interrogation of the idea that the United States has "vital interests". The short.
I had been planning to write a longer post on Ezra Klein's "anti-values" column from last week, but after reading Hilzoy, I find that I pretty much agree with everything.