foreign policy
A Chinese Su-27 Flanker fighter makes a fly by while the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Marine Gen. Peter Pace, visits with members of the Chinese Air Force.
My forthcoming edited volume, which is relevant to, but not directly discussed in, this post. Sometimes the best way to compete is... not to bother. As Alex Cooley and I.
Source: The White House from Washington, DC [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons At least, that's the conclusion of an interesting piece in Bloomberg News. The deficit did fall year-on-year in.
Gage Skidmore CC BY-SA 2.0 Jeffery Stacey and I have a new piece in Foreign Affairs called "Fear of Trump’s Populism Might Save American Alliances." Our basic argument is that:.
I've mentioned the VOA before. Yesterday word leaked that the propagandist that Trump put in charge of the VOA plans to let the visas of foreign journalist lapse. In effect,.
Here's what happened when I went looking for an image to go with this post Is there a German phrase for "something that you pretty much already know but still.
Source: Just a quick note that my most recent Foreign Affairs piece is available without a subscription* for a few days. *Registration may be required.
Yesterday the White House ordered the U.S. embassy in Seoul to remove its #BlackLivesMatter banner, as well as a Pride flag that the embassy put up in May. In some.