Ezra writes:You know, I spent my first 21 years on the West Coast, and never once gave a moment's thought to the possibility that I'd meet my end through a Chinese ICBM. Nor did anyone else I knew. It's actually an uplifting thing to think...
It really does become harder to believe that Islamic fundamentalism is the dire existential threat of the day when it becomes clear that, just a few years ago, the people.
The tribal peoples of northeast Asia had been of concern to the Chinese Empire well prior to the 17th century. In the 13th century, the Mongols had descended upon China.
Monday, the AP reported that Japan's parliament voted to hold a referendum on Article 9 of its constitution. That provision in the constitution very strictly limits Japanese use of force. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe strongly supports a variety of measures and the country will spend...
Matt refers to a Richard Bush and Michael O'Hanlon discussion of the potential "rules" for a war between China and the United States over Taiwan. I think that this is.
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has retracted a 1992 acknowledgement that, before and during World War II, Japan enslaved women from all over Asia for sexual purposes. Celtic Dragon has.
Over at Ezra's place, Dymaxion John had an interesting post about the PLA and Islamic insurgents in Western China. The idea of the PLA developing counter-insurgency doctrine fascinates me from a military culture point of view, since the PLA originated as an insurgent organization. How...