Charli Carpenter
This is in the fresh issue of Strategic Studies Quarterly. (HT to MacGregor Eddy.) In sum: America’s nuclear security can rest easily on a relatively small number of counterforce and.
The DoD's updated rules of engagement in Afghanistan beg the question. These rules - such as holding your fire unless you are certain a target is an actual combatant, withdrawing.
It's been a busy week for me adjusting to new blog formats in multiple spaces. So while LGM readers wait for their heads to stop spinning at this site's facelift,.
Karl Rove defends mock drowning once again in his new memoir. After all, we do it to our own troops during training to help them learn to withstand torture. Not.
The Economist has a damning article about son preference and female infanticide in East Asia, and the negative impacts on societies and regional stability as well as on girls. Heartening.
Hurt Locker wins best picture. Christoph Waltz wins best supporting actor.
Take this short test and find out. I only got 85% of the answers right. Plus it's all for a good cause.
Having never read this book, I don't pretend to understand how the nominations process for Academy Awards really works. But this year's rankings mystify the heck out of me. (Arianna.