Re-reading Michael Walzer has got me to thinking about Cylons and justice in war. Simply put, what methods of combatting the Cylons are impermissible under a common understanding of justice.
Brad's Battlestar Galactica article reminded me of this gem (discovered by Scott) from Jonah Goldberg,written in response to episode 2-17:In a society scientifically so much more advanced, it seems to.
BSG Blogging IBSG Blogging IIBSG Blogging IIIIn PLA conversations, the phrase shashoujian has come to represent a set of strategies designed to defeat the United States. Specifically, these strategies concentrate.
BSG Blogging IBSG Blogging IIPolitical relevance aside, the new BSG is just a damn fine show. The twenty-seventh hour screened last night, and, for my money, the twenty-seven hours thus.
This is the first of three posts on Battlestar Galactica, which resumes its second season on Sci-Fi tomorrow night. This first post deals with the question of civilian and military.