Romney/Nader 2016? Mitt Romney met this week with William Kristol, who is pushing for a third-party alternative to Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. “He came pretty close to being elected president so I thought he may consider doing it, especially since he has been very...
Bill Kristol: Hack
Here's my question: Why is Bill Kristol accorded any more respect in the media than Lyndon Larouche?
The war's most enduring organ-grinder is gettin' his Friedman on today, declaring once again that Bush's war has reached a turning point, and that Americans are slowly -- to the.
Although I remain, as far as I can tell, the only progressive blogger to whom the TNR diary now creating a firestorm instinctively seemed a bit fishy in its details, I certainly agree with this. Any argument premised on the idea that no solider ever...