The unofficial motto for 2016 has been What fresh hell can this be? And that was before Andrew Sullivan stepped back into blogging. I had managed to forget about that particular pet hair on the foundation brush until I saw on the Twitter feed...
apologies to everyone for dragging this blog into the sewer
Rand Paul got bumped from the big kids' GOP debate. No fair! says he. They have been saying for months they're going to narrow the field, but I don't.
As I sometimes say to new Twitter followers, I promise to never exceed your expectations. Apropos of the holiday season, have a brief and no doubt bowlderized history of.
If only the silly liberals would recognize that these people are different! “If you are in this religion, you probably do have.
Further evidence that conservative male bloggers are lazy ignoramuses in the sack:Via Sadly, No!, we read about the latest installment of what Roy Edroso has called Ace O. Spades, Heterosexual..