Nothing like a little self-congratulation to get a blogger going in the morning. Amanda's got a post up at Pandagon and Offsprung bemoaning the horrendous job the MSM does addressing or qualifying the false claims made by the wingnuts in interviews, op-eds and other appearances....
Amanda Marcotte
To elaborate a bit on Atrios' one liner, Salon has always been a strange animal. I was actually a premium subscriber for a couple years, and it's always published good.
Melissa's resignation, as many bloggers liberal and conservative have noted, is highly regrettable. The fact that the misogynist, anti-Semite and all around bigot Bill Donohue continued to go after McEwan--who.
Shorter Bob Owens: The fact that Amanda Marcotte and Melissa McEwan oppose using state coercion to enforce reactionary conceptions of human sexuality, sometimes using language that should only be used by Republican Presidential candidates, shows that they are beyond the pale of legitimate political discourse...