air force
Matt writes, in respone to David Axe's suggestion that F-22s ought to be unleashed against Indian or British aggressor squadrons:Uh huh. But think about that. Why would the US Air.
A bunch of people ask some really interesting questions in these two threads, questions that I think are deserving on their own post.lemuel pitkin writes:I think if you reframe the.
Remember that millenium thing, when every computer was supposed to go haywire and virtually none did? Well, a squadron of six F-22s traveling from Hawaii to Japan experienced a computer.
Nick Turse has a fine discussion of the disastrous role that the Air Force is playing in the war in Iraq. The contribution of the Air Force is intentionally understated..
Evidence cannot discredit revolutionary doctrine, as the revolutionaries simply interpret new evidence in whatever way they see fit. Air power enthusiasts have taken rather a hit lately, first with the.
Kingdaddy has some useful commentary on "Effects Based Operations", a term which apparently refers to operations directed against enemy strategic targets rather than military forces. Such targets include morale, industry,.