2008 republican primary
I think we can all agree that Rudy Giuliani is a pathetic authoritarian who -- but for the law -- would have eaten his own children in the cribs where.
So I watched the video, had a great idea for a post, but then I scrolled down and saw that Matt beat me to Romney's non-sequitur response to Ron Paul's.
I have no doubt that Fred Thompson lobbied for Planned Parenthood; it's not the first evidence of his past moderation on the issue. If I were (God forbid) the kind.
Romney ahead in New Hampshire. This reinforces my belief that the GOP race is basically between Romney and Thompson, and I'm not ready to hand things over to the latter.
Rudy Giuliani. (Also remember.)Straight-talkin' Maverick John McCain. Odd as it seems to think that Mitt Romney should be considered the prohibitive frontrunner, with Fred Thompson the only other candidate with.
Mitt Romney edition.
In addition to basic ignorance of basic facts about Iraq, in the most recent debate Mitt Romney defended his flip-flop on don't ask don't tell, arguing that "It’s been the.
Hilzoy points to another in the endless series of empirical studies and professional testimonials indicating that torture is useless for the purpose of intelligence-driven interrogation. There's no value trade-off here;.