Author: Simon Balto
In my latest piece for The Guardian, I borrow from James Baldwin and think through the claim that the year since Derek Chauvin murdered George Floyd has been about "racial.
Never mind. Good luck reforming this.
Paul recently posted about the Chicago Police Department murdering seventh-grader Adam Toledo. I echo his recommendation to not watch that video. I URGE you to not share it. And in.
Eve Ewing, former Chicago Public Schools teacher and current sociology professor at the University of Chicago, and author of the indispensable Ghosts in the Schoolyard: Racism and School Closings on.
I have an article in the Washington Post's "Made By History" section today about the calls for community control of the police, issued by Fred Hampton and other members of.
The great Chicago journalist and author Natalie Moore has a story up today about the efforts of anonymous cowards to get their neighbors to call the police on Chicago's famous.
I have a new piece up at Public Books as part of their "Crisis Cities" series, laying out why the history of policing in the United States is not compatible.
Kaepernick Publishing has been running a series this month titled "Abolition for the People," inviting some of the nation's leading scholars, activists, and organizers within the movement to abolish police.