Author: SEK
I am, most likely, the only person on earth currently taking a break from the serious work of reading and writing about comics by reading a novel whose cover declares.
...some how or other the most innovative and compelling show in the history of television is only the sixth best show of the past decade. (And they wonder why print's.
As demonstrated by his Twitter feed:Doh! MEDIAMUTTERS falls into trap while defending fisting-happy Obama 'Safe Schools Czar': @mmfa about 5 hours ago from web EARACHE BOEHLERT? You don't find.
The final assignment of my visual rhetoric course is called Rhetoric in Practice (or RIP). It has two components. To paraphrase the rubric: the students create their own rhetorical performance,.
Which is unfortunate, because I'm about to call him illiterate. He claims that I argued that Sarah Palin and her supporters are "racist because there were so few non-whites pictured.
Instead of playing "Count the Non-White People!" with Sarah Palin's photographs of her appearance at Fort Bragg, I will present some statistics about the base and surrounding community:White Non-Hispanic (52.9%)Black.
Few write on the history of evolutionary theory as compellingly as John Wilkins. (Had his Species: the History of an Idea and Defining Species: a Sourcebook from Antiquity to Today.
Global warming skeptics are attacking climate scientist Phil Jones for encouraging trickery in an email recently stolen off the webmail server at the University of East Anglia in which he.