Author: SEK
I'll have a substantial sequel to my Mad Men post up later today or tomorrow, but for the moment, you can read two solid replies from Amanda Marcotte at Pandagon.
As I noted in the comments to this post, it was only a matter of time before I started Mad Men; however, as I've studiously avoided reading about the show.
Sarah Palin's latest pronouncement:And that double standard is—and that hypocrisy is another reason why so many Americans are quite disgusted with the political games that are played, not only on.
"I think you're gonna love her, sir. Check her out." "I like what I see there, Ferguson, but she doesn't really seem powerful. She needs—""A more muscular physique?""Don't talk crazy,.
Then again, maybe they both do:In one of the most hilarious developments in the Jersey Shore controversy to date, NJ state senator Josef Vitale has recently alleged that the show.
Tomorrow at 1 p.m. Eastern, the only bowl game that matters will be played. Obscure alum SEK will be joined by the LGM regular who, because the Internet's not nearly.
I'm easing back on the Internets by trying to find the most optimistic spin on the Jason Bay signing—Dewan ranking him at -1 runs defensively wins so far—but three of.
Those would be directions given to me the first time I tried to visit my in-laws without the wife there to navigate. I hadn't a clue what he meant. Then,.